
We love because God first loved us.

Nobody wants to go through hard times, but we all do. If you’re struggling, we want to be there for you in Christian love. This is a congregation of people who need each other and care about each other in all circumstances and needs. Below are some of our support/care ministries. Please let us know how we can help! 

Health Ministries

Fostering physical health, as well as spiritual health

St. Paul’s has a Health Ministry that provides health education for the congregation and serves as a liaison to community resources.

Throughout the year, we provide scheduled:

  • Blood pressure check Sundays
  • CPR classes
  • Other health issue informational sessions

We’re always looking for church members who have medical training and would be able to volunteer some of their time and training to take part in the BP check Sundays or other health-related programs. For more information, please call the office at 248-651-9361 to get contact information for St. Paul’s Parish Nurse Debbie Branham.


Stephen Ministry

Ministering in Visible and Invisible ways

Stephen Ministry is our congregation’s one-to-one, lay caregiving ministry.  If you, or someone you know, is facing life changes, loss, illness, or other difficulties, a Stephen Minister can provide confidential, caring, Christian support. When was the last time someone really listened to you? We’re talking about that undistracted, full attention kind of listening. That’s one of the ways Stephen Ministers care for others. To request a Stephen Minister, please call the office at 248-651-9361.

Become a Stephen Minister

We are currently recruiting more Stephen Ministers here at St. Paul’s to care for those members who are making that long journey through the valley of a life crisis. Will you consider serving in this way?

A training class is starting in the fall. We will be accepting applications for that training in May. If you are interested and would like more information or an application, please call the office at 248-651-9361, or Sue Sonye (get her contact information from the church office).

Prayer Requests

We care about you and your loved onesPlease call the office at 248-651-9361 if you have specific prayer requests for loved ones and friends.  Your request will be forwarded to our clergy.

United Women in Faith Prayer Chain  The UWF has a traditional telephone prayer chain and an email prayer chain. The email prayer chain quickly relays prayer concerns. Email your prayer requests to For those who do not use email, prayer concerns can be given to the church office at 248-651-9361. Please specify that the prayer concern is for the UWF Prayer Chain.





Alcoholics Anonymous

Alcoholics Anonymous at St. Paul’s Rochester meets Tuesdays and Fridays at 2 p.m. and Saturdays at 10 a.m. in Rooms 120-123 (back of building, east end/education wing)

The meetings at St. Paul’s are limited to those who have a desire to stop drinking. It does not include additional support people. The only requirement for attendance is a desire to stop drinking. For further information, please visit AA’s local site or call AA’s 24-hour hot line at 248-332-6116.

Cancer Support Group

In the midst of darkness, there is hope

Our group meets for two sessions a year, one in the fall and one in the winter.  See our Calendar for scheduling.

The Cancer Support Group meets the needs of those with cancer or who have ever had cancer, as well as family members and friends of those with cancer.

Caregivers Support

Anyone involved in caregiving for an elder, someone with a disability, spouse or sibling is invited to attend.  Community resources for education, finance, support and medical information will be provided.  There will also be time for specific concerns and needs to be shared. For additional information, please call the office at 248-651-9361.

Compassionate Friends

Compassionate Friends is an international self-help organization open to all bereaved parents and siblings. The purpose is to support and aid parents in the positive resolution of the grief they experience when their child dies. The Troy Chapter of Compassionate Friends meets at St. Paul’s Rochester the 3rd Thursday of each month from 7 – 9 p.m. outdoors (back of building, east end/ education wing). We ask new families to visit The Troy Chapter of Compassionate Friends.


Hospital Visits Call the office at 248-651-9361 if you are ill, hospitalized, facing surgery, etc. Our pastors are committed to sharing God’s love during these times. Sometimes difficult situations lead to faith questions.

Stay In Touch Ministries Our church is committed to staying in touch with those who can no longer attend church.Call the office at 248-651-9361 if you would like a visit.


Bear Ministry

If you know someone who is going through difficult times, please feel free to take them a Prayer Bear from our cart outside the Sanctuary. We ask that children select bears under the supervision of an adult. These bears have been prayed over by our Intercessory Prayer Group and serve as visual reminders of God’s love. Bears may also be picked up or donated through the church office during business hours.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Many of the knitters in our congregation got together and began knitting prayer shawls to be given to those who wanted to be reminded of the community they have at St. Paul’s. They are a cozy reminder of the support and love that they have in our community. Please call the office at 248-651-9361​ for information on receiving a prayer shawl.

Prayer Quilt Ministry

PQuilt Ministry creates lap size quilts as gifts for those facing catastrophic difficulties in their lives.  Quilts are a reminder of the support and love from the St. Paul’s. please call the office at 248-651-9361 ​for information on receiving a prayer quilt.

See our Quilt Ministry brochure.